
Acne is one of the most well-known skin complaints. Blackheads and pimples are the main symptoms of acne. If you suffer from acne, you have often already tried everything to combat the acne, inflammation and pimples. Nothing helps enough. That is of course a pity. Especially because acne can be treated if you individually look at where the triggers of acne lie. In combination with sufficient medical knowledge and the most optimal techniques, we can achieve good results.

While hormonal changes during puberty are a major trigger, acne can manifest itself at any time. Especially at a later age, many people have to deal with acne on the face or on the body. It is a skin condition that can have a lot of influence on your life and self-image. Beautiful skin gives confidence. Do you want to master acne?


Our acne treatments aim to get the formation of blackheads and pimples under control and to repair the skin damage caused by acne such as a coarse skin structure, spots, redness and scars as much as possible. Our skin therapists not only treat the symptoms, but also look for a solution to prevent new impurities. Careful compliance with personal advice regarding the daily care of your skin and if necessary adjustments in your lifestyle are important parts in the fight against acne. The treatment that is used against acne is to cleanse the impurities, in combination with a professional medical peeling from Dermaceutic and an IPL or Hydrafacial treatment. A personal treatment plan is always drawn up. If necessary, the acne treatments can be combined with additional medication via the general practitioner or dermatologist.

Home products

The treatment plan is always twofold. In addition to the medical peels from Dermaceutic that we perform in practice, it is also essential that you get started with the recommended exfoliating products from Dermaceutic for at home (at least 2 to 4 weeks before the first treatment). By using the exfoliating products at home, the dead skin cells are removed and the skin thins. This makes the skin more permeable and the peeling reaches the deeper layers of the skin better, so that the most optimal result is achieved faster and the treatment is more effective. The skin will also recover faster after a treatment and the results of the treatment will be maintained for longer, so that maintenance treatments are needed less often. We believe that you can get acne under control for 60%, as soon as you know your personal triggers in combination with the right home products. The skin therapeutic treatments are the other 40%, which give you a big push in the direction of beautiful skin.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are liquids that consist of natural acids. At Skin Project, working with medical peels based on Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid, Mandelic Acid or Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA).

These ingredients  provide a deep cleaning of the pores and tackle the acne bacteria (p.acnes) and inhibit sebum production. The active ingredients in a peel also stimulate and accelerate cell renewal of the skin, preventing new blockages, impurities and inflammation. The depth into which the peeling penetrates depends on the type of ingredients we use. We determine this together by tailoring it to your individual wishes. There is a suitable peeling for every skin

IPL treatment

With our IPL (Intensed Pulsed Light) treatment of the InMode system, we tackle acne from the inside and from the source: the sebaceous glands. During the IPL treatment, the light destroys the bacteria that cause acne. The inflamed sebaceous glands also shrink due to this treatment, which reduces the overproduction of sebum. This makes the IPL treatment a very effective treatment for inflammation and redness. The treatment is suitable for the face, but also for pimples on the back and chest.

The Inmode is CE and FDA certified, which monitors the safety of the equipment.


Hydrafacial offers a three-step treatment that deeply cleanses and exfoliates the skin, while saturating it with antioxidants and hydration. When the skin is thoroughly cleaned deep into the pores and then saturated with antioxidants, the skin will also produce less sebum for protection due to less oxidative stress. The antioxidants will also reduce inflammation in the skin resulting in less redness. LED light therapy is used to inhibit sebum production and kill the bacteria that cause acne.

Combination treatment

Skin Project also offers treatments that can be combined with each other, e.g. an IPL treatment in combination with. with a chemical peel. These treatments are intended to improve the redness, structure and flexibility of the skin, by activating cell renewal and collagen production in the skin. The effect and results have been extensively researched and scientifically proven.

What effect can you expect?

You will notice that thanks to the treatments and the use of the right skin products, the acne will be reduced. Multiple treatments are needed to stabilize the acne in the skin. Depending on your skin condition, we usually start with 3 to 5 acne treatments. A treatment lasts on average 45 to 60 minutes. After each treatment, we evaluate how things are going and whether we can adjust the treatment plan if necessary. If necessary, we will adapt your plan to your skin requirements. The basis is always first to stabilize the active acne and then move on to the treatment of residual spots and any acne scars.

After the active treatment process, we look at how you can best maintain your skin. Both with a home treatment and with (any) skin therapeutic treatments on a maintenance basis.

Important to know

It is possible that the acne gets worse after the treatment, before it gets better. After the treatment, the skin may look red. The skin may also slightly flake or peel. It is important not to scratch the skin. If desired, we can also advise you on the right post-treatment creams and foundation, which ensure that the recovery of the damaged skin is accelerated. Initially we will plan the treatments every 3 weeks so that the acne does not have a chance to develop. worsen. When the acne stabilizes, we can extend the period between treatments.

Reimbursement health insurance

Treatment for acne on the face can possibly be reimbursed from the additional health insurance. The amount of your reimbursement depends on your insurance. In the case of reimbursements from the supplementary insurance, no claim is made on your deductible. Skin Project is recognized by all health insurers.

About acne therapy

Is an acne treatment reimbursed?

Yes, acne is a medical indication for which reimbursement from the supplementary insurance is possible. Skin Project is recognized by all health insurers.

Are the treatments painful?
Over het algemeen zijn de behandelingen niet pijnlijk. De diepere behandelingen voor de acnelittekens kunnen als gevoelig worden ervaren.
What will my skin look like after the treatment?

After the treatment, we provide sun protection with possibly a camouflaging tan, so that you can continue with your daily activities. The skin may be slightly drier the first week after the treatment.

Can you also treat my acne scars?

Yes, once your acne is under control, we can focus on the residual scars. We have several proven treatment techniques in house to soften your acne scars and make them less noticeable, making you happier when you look in the mirror. You also radiate this.

Is the acne treatment reimbursed?
Nee, als huidtherapeuten zijn wij direct toegankelijk aan aangesloten bij alle zorgverzekeraars in Nederland.
Why do I choose Skin Project?

You will be treated by experienced BIG-registered hbo-trained skin therapists. You can achieve healthy skin with the right knowledge, scientifically substantiated methods and (medical) equipment, proven medical techniques and the right home advice. We therefore only have the very best in house for both medical and cosmetic skin care. The quality of the treatment is paramount to make you healthier, more beautiful and above all happier. You are always central to us in the clinic and you are not a number.

Make an appointment without obligation

Does your impure skin bother you and does this affect how you think and feel about your own skin? Do you want beautiful skin without inflammation and annoying scars? Come by for a free and non-binding consultation with one of our skin therapists. During the consultation we are happy to give you appropriate and personal treatment advice.

The right acne therapy at home

In addition to the treatments and to maintain the skin well at home, we recommend these products!

1. Exfoliation


2.Night Cream


3.Day Cream


View all our products here